Purina Friskies with Rabbit, Chicken and Vegetables is a balanced dry food for adult cats, without artificial colors, flavorings or preservatives.
Thanks to valuable proteins, omega-fatty acids, vitamins and minerals, food can support your cat's vitality. In addition, fiber from natural sources can promote a healthy digestion. Purina Friskies with rabbit, chicken and vegetables is a complete dry food that ensures more joy in life!
Purina Friskies with Rabbit, Chicken and Vegetables in brief:
• Complete dry cat food with rabbit, chicken and vegetables
• Vitamins and minerals: can support tooth and bone health
• Essential fatty acids: can contribute to healthy skin and shiny hair
• High quality proteins: support muscle strengthening
• Balanced mineral content: can promote a healthy urinary system
• Rich in fiber from natural sources: it can contribute to a healthy digestion
• With essential nutrients that your cat needs for a healthy life
• Free of artificial colors, fragrances and preservatives